Thursday, May 17, 2012

Govt. betrays the country on pretext of implementing LLRC recommendations – JVP

''The government again and again says it is prepared to implement LLRC recommendations as proposed by Geneva resolution. However, the Parliament or the people in Sri Lanka are not aware what LLRC recommendations are. There is no opportunity for the people in the country to know what these recommendations are''

The foreign policy of the present government lacks transparency and the President is unable to appoint a suitable foreign minister says former Parliamentarian K.D. Lal Kanthe.

Speaking at a press conference held by an organization consisting of several organizations at Hotel Nippon yesterday (16th) Mr. Lal Kanthe said, “The government is holding massive pageants to show its anti-imperialism.  However, in its activities it kneels before imperialists. This duplicity has been made government’s existence. It is evident this situation has escalated after the resolution against Sri Lanka was passed in the UNHRC summit in Geneva. The Geneva resolutions are adopted with the mediation of imperialists. Ms. Tamara Kunanayakam was appointed as Sri Lanka’s permanent representative for UNHRC in Geneva in order to defeat this resolution. Also a delegation headed by two ministers was sent to Geneva to win over other countries to defeat the resolution. After all this the responsibility of the defeat is put on Ms. Kunanayakam’s head and the government tries to slip out of its folly. As a result of this policy of deception we are moving towards a very horrendous situation as a country.

The government again and again says it is prepared to implement LLRC recommendations as proposed by Geneva resolution. However, the Parliament or the people in Sri Lanka are not aware what LLRC recommendations are. There is no opportunity for the people in the country to know what these recommendations are. Views were asked from the 14 political parties in the government. The President had asked the parties to inform their views in writing. However, the SLFP had not made available its views. Only a few small parties had expressed their views. Minister Dougles Devananda, the chief person of the government who represents the North, had stated he would take legal action against the recommendations. He has come to this stand as the LLRC report has accused Dougles Devananda regarding certain wrongdoings.

However, foreign Minister G.L. Peiris has taken measures to present the relevant plan to implement LLRC recommendations to the Secretary of the US State Department. This plan has been compiled without the knowledge of the people in the country. If the government was patriotic the first thing they should do is to get the approval of the people in the country for the plan. The government, without doing such things carries on  its deceptive policy.

The decisive task that was with the defense ministry during the war has now been transferred to the foreign ministry. However, the foreign ministry does not know what the foreign policy of Sri Lanka is. Earlier it had been stated they would follow a ‘non-align’ foreign policy. However, now it has become pro-US. This is why moves are taken in secret to establish an Israel embassy here. There had been a discussion regarding this on 20th April. The progressive countries in the Middle East as well as the Muslim community in our country are opposed to this. Ministers representing Muslim political parties had stated in a cabinet meeting that establishing an Israel embassy here is a serious matter.

Representatives of South Asia as well as Hillary Clinton are got down to Sri Lanka frequently. It is evident that Sri Lanka has earned a dominant place in the US policy of intervention in the South Asian region. Also, India, as the regional power, intervenes rigorously. The Indian Leader of the Opposition as well as state ministers intervene in the internal affairs of our country. Five important agreements were signed during the visit to Sri Lanka by the Indian foreign minister. The cabinet or the Parliament was not apprised regarding these agreements. The right of the people to know what these agreements are has been totally violated.

During the height of the war former Minister of Foreign Affairs Late Lakshman Kadirgamar carried out the affairs of the ministry in an excellent manner. No one knows the manner G.L. Peiris is carrying out the affairs of the ministry or the policies followed by him. President Mahinda Rajapaksa has failed in appointing a suitable person as the foreign minister. There is talk that G.L. Peiris is appointed as the foreign minister nominally but the powers of the ministry are used by Parliamentarian Sajin Vaas Gunawardene. Also, former commanders of the security services have been appointed as ambassadors.

These complex situations would drag the country towards serious crises. It is evident that, on the pretext of implementing LLRC recommendations, the country would be totally betrayed to imperialists by getting the majority of the Parliament, approval of the USA, India, the Indian opposition and Tamil Nadu state government and the TNA in Sri Lanka. The government follows a pro-imperialist policy by satisfying the USA, Israel, IMF to get foreign loans for its existence but pretends an anti-imperialist stance