Thursday, August 9, 2012

Government should answer for Dilrukshan’s killing - AHR

Government should take the responsibility for the death of a Tamil political prisoner yesterday (08) consequent to an attack by Vavuniya prison officials, and such killings of individuals while in custody is condemned as a despicable act say the Activists for Human Rights Organisation in a media release.
The statement which bears the signature of Attorney at Law, Udul Premaratne a member of the Activists for Human Rights alleged that the LTTE suspect Mariyadas Pevis Delrukshan (34) from Paithakur, Jaffna, had been admitted to hospital six days after he sustained injuries and therefore his death amounted to murder.

Dilrukshan had been receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of the Ragama Hospital.
To date no investigation has been undertaken for the death of Delrukshan or of Nimalaruban who died earlier following a prison attack the statement stays.
The Activists for Human Rights is launching an island wide protest campaign by collecting signatures which commenced on the 27th in Colombo, and will be collecting signatues in Vavuniya on the 10th of this month.