Wednesday, October 12, 2011

President Globel Tamil Forum refused entry to India

Tamil Community around the world was disheartened and disappointed to know that the seventy seven years old, Rev Father S.J.Emmanuel - President of the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) was refused entry on arrival in India at the Chennai International Airport on Tuesday, 11 October 2011.
Rev Father was refused entry, despite of having a valid entry clearance - visa to India, issued by the Indian High Commission in Germany.

Tamil people as a community regret this incident and expect India as the regional superpower to play a significant role in finding a negotiated political settlement for the legitimate grievances of the Tamil people and to the ethnic conflict in the island of Sri Lanka.

As the global leader of Tamil people, we look upon Madam Jayalalithaa – The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to champion the Tamil cause of the Tamil people of the island naton.