Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sri Lanka No fire Zone : Commonwealth secretariat disturbed

The Commonwealth Secretariat says it is “disturbed” by scenes and testimonies in the ‘No Fire Zone’ video on Sri Lanka.
Commonwealth Secretariat spokesman Richard Uku tweeted saying the controversial video show the ugliness of war.

He said that learing lessons and reconciliation are key for Sri Lanka to go forward.

“According to international standards, truth, accountability and reconciliation all go together,” he added.
Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma had yesterday refused to agree to calls for an international investigation on Sri Lanka over alleged human rights abuses.

When asked in an interview on the BBC about UN calls for an international investigation, Sharma said the Commonwealth does not have a position on something which he says is “not practical”.

Despite concerns raised ahead of the Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka this month, Sharma said that the level of participation expected this year is no different to past summits. (Colombo Gazette)