Tuesday, October 2, 2012

OPA calls on the executive not to undermine judiciary

No country can survive for too long without respect for the rule of law, the Organization of Professional Associations Sri Lanka says.
In a press release titled ‘Independence of Judiciary’ the OPA calls upon the Executive to act in a manner that would prevent any undermining of the independence of the judiciary.

Full text of the OPA release: "The OPA is deeply concerned regarding reported attempts by the Executive to interfere with the Independence of the Judiciary.

No country can survive for too long without respect for the Rule of Law.

The responsibility for ensuring observance of the Rule of Law rests primarily with the Judiciary. Shorn of its independence, the Judiciary will be helpless in upholding the Rule of Law. This will necessarily result in a state of anarchy.

One of our Member Associations viz the Bar Association of Sri Lanka, has already expressed its grave concern over this turn of events, and has unreservedly condemned such action.

The OPA whilst endorsing the position taken by the BASL, calls on the Executive not to allow all such acts, and to act in a manner that would prevent any undermining of the Independence of the Judiciary.

The OPA further exhorts the people to be conscious of the fact that it is the people’s judicial power that is exercised by the Judiciary, and the Judiciary must therefore necessarily remain Independent, to do so."