
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sri Lanka: Sec. to the president, Lalith Weeratunga's presntation in Geneva

Here is the power point presentation contents of the secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga, which was presented to 70 +  diplomatic missions based in Geneva on 21 January 2014. 

Taking forward the National Plan of action to implement the Recommendations' of the Lessons Learn and  Reconciliation Commission


  • Commission of Inquiry to investigate alleged abductions or disappearances of persons resident in the North and East.
  • Census on deaths/injuries to persons or property damages due to conflictssince1982.
  • Inter-Ministerial Working Group continues to verify cases on alleged disappearances submitted by WGEID. Since Jan, 2012
  • GoSL has transmitted responses on 842 cases to the Working Group
  • Army Courts of Inquiry into (a) allegations with regard to civilian casualties; (b) allegation of summary executions of captured persons.
  • Collaboration between GoSL and ICRC on matters relating to alleged disappearances.

Investigation into deaths of 05 students in Trincomalee
  • Non Summary Inquiry commenced in Sept, 2013. Evidence of 14 witnesses concluded. Next date of inquiry on March 06, 2014

Investigation into deaths of Aid workers of ACF in Muttur
  • Team of prosecutors reviewing material available. Criminal Investigation Department is conducting further investigations.

Access to information on detainees and facilitating NoKs to locate their family members
  • Collaboration between GoSL and ICRC on matters relating to remaining 188 detainees, including spot visits.

Rehabilitation of Ex-Combatants:
  • Ail 594 LTTE Child Combatants have been rehabilitated and reunited with their families within one year.
  • 11,872 ex-combatants have been rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. Only 171 remain in rehabilitation following legal proceedings.
  • Access to secondary, tertiary education and vocational and skills training provided.

  • Special Circular issued by the Land Commissioner General to facilitate resolution of land issues in North and East.
  • Land release • 20,001 acres of private land and 5,740 acres of state land in the North and East formerly used by the military have been released.
  • High Security Zones which prevailed during the conflict period no longer exist. Military cantonments remain in place to ensure national security in identified locations.
  • Appointment of 4th Land Commission (Previous Land Commissions in 1926,1935 and 1985)

  • Civilian administration is now fully restored in the former theatres of conflict.
  • Military presence in the Northern Province: Substantial reduction in the area occupied by the security forces.
  • Number of security barricades, road blocks and checkpoints in the North and East reduced by 99%.

Military presence in the Northern Province
  • Reduced by 30% of its peak levels during conflict.
  • Continuous evaluation of the security requirements being made to facilitate further reduction of troops.

  • Implementation of the Trilingual Policy.
  • Integration of youth in reconciliation.
  • HR education and reconciliation through school curricula and tertiary education.
  • Programmes to assist livelihoods, improve social conditions, trauma counselling of war affected
  • Recruitment of 665 Rehabilitated LTTE members to the Department of Civil Security.
  • Promotion of ethnic and cultural harmony through sports and the arts.
  • Hate speech legislation.

  • Over 96% of the area demined. Currently, only 86 sq km remain to be cleared from a confirmed hazardous area of 2,061sq km.
  • 297,000 persons housed at Menik Farm welfare village immediately after the conflict in 2009 are now fully resettled.
  • Menik Farm Welfare Village was closed on Sept, 24, 2012.
  • Action taken to expedite remaining 7,094 IDP fameless in the North and East. Of this, 5,585 are staying with host families.
  • GoSL is taking action to provide durable solutions to protracted IDPs, including Muslim IDPs.

  • From 2010 to 2012, Rs 392 M has been provided for the payment of compensations.
  • Rs 204 M was provided as compensation in 2013.

  • Elections to the Northern Provincial Council
  • Separate Ministry for law and order
  • Strengthening of the Official Languages Commission
  • Courts are now fully functional in many parts of the Northern Province with the exclusive use of Tamil Language.
  • Court houses have been established in areas where the judicial System had been at a standstill.