
Monday, February 4, 2013

Sri Lanka slams moves to interfere in its internal affairs

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Monday criticized attempts by some countries to interfere in the internal affairs of his country.President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Monday criticized attempts by some countries to interfere in the internal affairs of his country.
He made the remarks in a speech to the nation while marking the 65th Independence Day celebrations in eastern Trincomalee.

Reading out from the UN Charter, President Rajapaksa said that every nation has a right to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He also said that the best way his government responds to allegations from some countries is to invite their leaders to visit Sri Lanka and see firsthand the post war situation.

Sri Lanka has been criticized by some countries over its alleged human rights abuses during the war.

Sri Lanka is expected to face pressure during the UN Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva which will begin at the end of this month with the U.S. already saying that it will put forward a resolution against the country.

The government has been accused of failing to address alleged human rights abuses believed to have been committed by the military during the final stages of the war against the Tamil Tiger rebels.

Later, speaking in Tamil, the president urged Tamils not to fall prey to the false propaganda of the Tamil Diaspora.

He also assured that he will not leave room for the country to be divided by creating a religious or racial rift, calling on all communities to live together with equal rights.

He also said that the opposition in Sri Lanka has a responsibility to protect the independence of the nation.

However, Sri Lanka's main opposition party, the United National Party (UNP) boycotted the government's Independence Day celebrations and decided to hold their own celebrations instead.

"We decided to hold our own celebrations in Galle this year. Therefore none of our members attended the government's celebrations," UNP MP Ravi Karunanayaka told Xinhua.

President Rajapaksa, meanwhile, said the country will continue with its non-aligned foreign policy and strengthen it's ties with non-aligned nations