
Monday, November 5, 2012

UPR Sri Lanka 2012: Recommendations Sri Lanka accepted

The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007, held its fourteenth session from 22 October to 5 November 2012. The review of Sri Lanka was held at the 16th meeting on 1 November 2012. The delegation of Sri Lanka was headed by Mahinda Samarasinghe, Minister of Plantation Industries and Special Envoy of the President for Human Rights. At its 18th meeting held on 5 November 2012, the Working Group adopted the report on Sri Lanka
128.    The recommendations formulated during the interactive dialogue/listed below enjoy the support of Sri Lanka

    128.1.    Consider ratifying the CRPD (Egypt, Turkey);
    128.2    Consider ratifying the Palermo Protocol on human trafficking (Philippines);
    128.3    Make further efforts to ratify other relevant international instruments that are vital to the promotion and protection of Human Rights, in keeping with its national capacity and priority (Cambodia);
    128.4    Continue giving consideration to ratify the other remaining (human rights) instruments in a progressive manner (Kenya);
    128.5    Full dissemination of the NAPHR and the strengthening of governmental agencies at national, provincial and local level to guarantee its full implementation (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of));
    128.6    Accelerate capacity building in order to effectively implement the NAPHR (Zimbabwe);
    128.7    Continue efforts to implement the National Action Plan for the protection and promotion and human rights (Bahrain);
    128.8    Continue to work on implementing the accepted recommendations by the LLRC Reconciliation (Bahrain);
    128.9    Expedite action to implement the agreed Action Plan in line with the spirit of the LLRC through a process inclusive of all people belonging to all ethnicity (Bangladesh);
    128.10    Pursue its efforts to implement the National Plan of Action for the promotion and protection of human rights (Burkina Faso);
    128.11    Disseminate the NAPHR amongst general population in local languages so as to ensure wider participation in the implementation process, thereby empowering claim holders in asserting and protecting their rights (Ethiopia);
    128.12    Continue its efforts in launching the NAPHR (Iran);
    128.13    Steady implementation of the National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights as well as the National Plan of Action to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (Japan);
    128.14    Continue its efforts to follow-up on the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (Kuwait);
    128.15    Continue its efforts of implementing the recommendations of the National Plan of Action (Maldives);
    128.16    Continue to implement the National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (Syrian Arab Republic);
    128.17    Persevere in implementing its Action Plan and ensure its wide dissemination among the local population, in all the official languages of the country (Morocco);
    128.18    Complete the implementation of the National Action Plan for the promotion and Protection of Human Rights (Palestine);
    128.19    Continue efforts to accelerate the pace of implementation of the National Plan of Action and the promotion of development, and support economic and social rights in all parts of the country (Qatar);
    128.20    Strengthen cooperation between government agencies with Human Rights National Commission and civil society to coordinating, planning and implementing the National Human Rights Action Plan (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of));
    128.21    Take all possible steps in strengthening the capacity of Government Agencies identified for the implementation of the recommendations of the LLRC Action Plan (Pakistan) ;
    128.22    Continue addressing accountability issues and implementation of the LLRC Action Plan as planned (Uganda) ;
    128.23    Continue its efforts to implement the LLRC’s recommendations of the National Action Plan (Timor-Leste) ;
    128.24    Continue progressing in the implementation of the recommendations of the Action Plan of the National Reconciliation Mechanism (Venezuela) ;
    128.25    Continue implementing the LLRC recommendations through the Action Plan (Malaysia) ;
    128.26    Immediate implementation of recommendations of LLRC Action Plan including on accountability process, through Sri Lanka’s National Plan of Action on Human Rights and other relevant mechanisms (Indonesia) ;
    128.27    Facilitate the implementation of the recommendations of the LLRC Action Plan and provide necessary funds for its implementation (Iraq) ;
    128.28    Inform the Human Rights Council as part of the reporting process outlined in the National Report, of implementation of LLRC Action Plan recommendations (Ireland) ;
    128.29    Disseminate in different languages the National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (South Sudan);
    128.30    Ensure adequate resources to the Human Rights National Commission to further improve its capacity, geographical scope and its mandate (Venezuela);
    128.31     Continue the efforts to strengthening the capacity building of national institutions in field of human rights promotion and protection (Angola);
    128.32    Take all steps to strengthen and ensure the independence of the National Human Rights Commission (Germany);
    128.33    Ensure structural and operational independence of the national human rights institution in accordance with the Paris Principles (Maldives);
    128.34    Adopt necessary legal measures to ensure that the National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka is in line with Paris Principles (Mexico);
    128.35    Continue to promote and protect human rights through education and institutional reforms (Myanmar);
    128.36    Continue efforts to strengthen national human rights institutions (Nepal);
    128.37    Continue the efforts at strengthening its national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights and encourage awareness among its people of the importance of fairness and justice (Malaysia);
    128.38    Strengthen the independence of institutions such as the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, the Police Commission and Election Commission (Norway);
    128.39    Recognizing that the operational independence of the National Human Rights Commission has been enhanced take the necessary measures to further ensure its institutional independence (Republic of Korea);
    128.40    Enable additional resources to strengthen the Human Rights Commission (South Sudan);
    128.41    Take action to facilitate greater participation by citizens and civil society in helping to implement human rights action plans (Australia);

    128.42    Consolidate its reconciliation efforts to ensure that durable peace prevails in the country (Zimbabwe);
    128.43    Continue its engagement with the relevant UN agencies in achieving the overall objective of the UN Development Assistance Framework for 2013-2017 (Algeria);
    128.44    Strengthen the cooperation with the relevant human rights stakeholders including the Human Rights Council (Angola);
    128.45    Continue its efforts in advancing human rights and freedoms in the country and especially in the conflict-affected areas (Azerbaijan);
    128.46    Intensify its actions for a greater enjoyment by the people of fundamental human rights (Benin);
    128.47    Maintain and strengthen cooperation with various United Nations mechanisms, as well as financial institutions, in order to overcome the challenges faced in the peace and national reconciliation process (Benin);
    128.48    Continue assisting former-combatants through livelihood schemes (Cuba);
    128.49    Share with the international community its experiences in rehabilitating and reintegrating former LTTE child soldiers (Cuba);
    128.50    Continue to prioritize the rehabilitation and reintegration of former child soldiers (Italy); 
    128.51    Implement the announced voluntary commitments and the UPR accepted recommendations (Egypt);
    128.52    Maintain its efforts in upholding national dialogue that would bring the country to a lasting peace, as well as its commitment to continue guaranteeing full exercise of human rights to all its citizens (Nicaragua);
    128.53    Continue its efforts to complete the implementation of the voluntary pledges (Philippines);
    128.54    Ensure on-going protective measures to maintain and advance the levels of human rights developments (South Sudan);
    128.55    Strengthen further the capacity within the public institutions to enable the effective implementation of the trilingual policy (Ethiopia);
    128.56    Promote national reconciliation taking into account and protecting Sri Lanka’s ethnic and religious pluralism, ensuring that all religious denominations are granted equal treatment and enjoy their fundamental rights (Holy See );

    128.57    Step up efforts to protect freedom of religion and promote inter-religious dialogue as a tool to foster tolerance and peaceful-coexistence (Italy);
    128.58    Take continuous measures to secure social infrastructure and means of livelihood at resettlement sites as this is expected to become even more vital (Japan);
    128.59    Pursue the process of reconciliation and consolidate the peace building measures embarked on since the end of the conflict (Lebanon 1);

   128.60    Continue and provide greater cooperation to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to accomplish its work (Ecuador);
 128.61    Provide training and promote capacity building among its institutions to guarantee the effective application of the Women’s Charter (Venezuela);
    128.62    Intensify its policies and programs undertaken to ensure the protection of women and children (Algeria);
    128.63    Ensure women’s participation in the post-conflict, reconstruction and peace building process (Finland);
    128.64    Adopt appropriate and concrete measures to prevent the disadvantageous and unequal status of women and girls (Rwanda);
    128.65    Encourage women’s participation in the public life of the country (South Sudan);
    128.66    Adopt necessary measures to ensure that gender equality is a legal and practical reality, combating particularly gender violence (Spain);
    128.67    Increase its endeavors in promotion of equity in economic development, poverty eradication, eliminating regional disparities, and guaranteeing equality of opportunity for all Sri Lanka citizens (Iran);
    128.68    Criminalize all forms of violence against women and hold the perpetrators of such violence accountable (South Africa);
    128.69    Carry on its measures in the implementation of the act on Prevention of Domestic Violence as a means to improve and protect the rights of women (Iran);
  128.70    Increase its efforts on strengthening protection of children’s rights in such areas as child labor, domestic violence, trafficking and sexual exploitation (Iran);
    128.71     Formulate a comprehensive national strategy for the protection of the rights of children, with a view to ensuring compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, following the review of national laws (South Africa);
    128.72    Take measures to guarantee full protection of children’s human rights by rehabilitating the ex-combatants and eliminating and reducing, among others, child trafficking, child sexual abuse and violence against children (Holy See);
    128.73    Work on the elimination of the causes of minor’s recruitment by armed groups and guarantee full rehabilitation, social reintegration and school reintegration of those children who participated or were affected by the conflict, including those who had to be  accommodated in internal displaced camps and to take into account the linguistic, cultural, and religious diversity in Sri Lanka (Uruguay );

   128.74    Consider incorporating the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the UN Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders, otherwise known as the “Bangkok Rules “ as part of its work on the treatment of prisoners (Thailand);
  128.75    Strengthen efforts to investigate allegations of serious violations of international humanitarian law and the international human rights during the conflict and to hold those responsible to account (Ukraine);
 128.76    Fully and transparently investigate alleged grave breaches of international humanitarian law during the conflict (UK);
  128.77    Pursue its efforts to fight against impunity for serious human rights violations committed during the internal armed conflict (Argentina);
    128.78    Take the necessary measures to bring into justice and prosecute perpetrators of violations of the international human rights law and humanitarian Law (Chile);
    128.79    Take the necessary steps to ensure that all detainees are afforded a fair trial within a reasonable period (Ireland);
    128.80    Continue human rights education for police and security forces to ensure better protection and maintenance of human rights standards (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea );
    128.81    Design training programs on human rights for police and security forces, to guarantee better protection of human rights standards (Oman);
    128.82    Continue to carry out the policy aimed at improving the judicial system, reforming law enforcement bodies and decreasing the level of crime and corruption (Russian Federation);
    128.83    Work on building the capacity of law enforcement officials in the area of human rights and provide them with the necessary education to guarantee the best standards in this regard (Sudan );
    128.84    Continue its efforts in enhancing the rule of law to ensure long-term stability and sustainable development (Singapore);
  128.85    Carry out an independent and credible investigation on the allegations of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law (Switzerland);
    128.86    Continue human rights education for police and security forces aiming at better protection and preservation of human rights principles (Syrian Arab Republic ;
    128.87    Strengthen its efforts to integrate human rights and peace education in the school curricula (Djibouti);
    128.88    Redress housing shortage by adopting a national strategy and a plan of action (Djibouti);
    128.89    Continue to improve accessibility to education, especially in the post-conflict and underdeveloped areas (Singapore);
    128.90    Continue its efforts to promote access by persons with disabilities to the labor market by strengthening the system of job reserve for persons with disabilities (Djibouti);

   128.91    Develop a comprehensive policy with regard to all aspects of internal displacement (Azerbaijan);
    128.92    Intensify its efforts to ensure the return of displaced persons to their places of origin and compensated them whenever return is not possible (Chile );
    128.93    Continue providing assistance to IDP returnees in particular with housing, livelihoods and economic empowerment (Cuba);
    128.94    Ensure the protection of IDP’s rights to voluntary and safe return to adequate restitution by, inter alia, putting in place and implementing long-term housing and property restitution policies that comply with international standards (Finland);
    128.95    Ensure legal ownership and return or restitution of houses and lands to internally displaced persons, according to international standards (Holy See);
    128.96    Strengthen efforts to implement the recommendations of the National Reconciliation Committee and work towards the repatriation of the internally displaced affected by the war to their cities and villages, and to guarantee the means of stability for them (Sudan);
    128.97    Invest more resources towards a better service delivery mechanism that will also ensure that the remaining internally displaced citizens return safely to their territories (Swaziland);
    128.98    Continue the resettlement of all internally displaced persons as a result of the conflict and guarantee the transfer or compensate those people who cannot return to their places of origin (Syrian Arab Republic);
    128.99    Continue measures underway to address land issues, including amending the Prescription Ordinance, whereby displaced landowners will be able to defeat the adverse claims based on the running of time (Bhutan);
 128.100    Continue action towards the alleviation of poverty (Bangladesh);
    128.101    Continue its efforts in reducing poverty (Saudi Arabia);
    128.102    Redouble its efforts in fighting poverty with a view to maintain the level of development achieved so far and contribute to attain the MDGs (Morocco);
    128.103    Further improve the living standard of the people by reducing poverty and economic disparity (Myanmar);
    128.104    Continue efforts in enhancing the welfare of all segments of society and their rights based on national context and characteristics (Nepal);
    128.105    Continue with its plans to enhance economic development in all regions of Sri Lanka (Saudi Arabia);
    128.106    Continue working to achieve all the Millennium Development Goals (Bolivia);
    128.107    Remain committed to the sustainable economic and social development, further promote national reconciliation, and achieve stability and development in the country (China);
    128.108    Ensure on-going social welfare and protection measures to ensure the maintenance of levels of human development already achieved and realization of the Millennium Development Goals (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
    128.109    Attain the remains of the Millennium Development Goals (Kuwait);
    128.110    Take steps to protect people from acts of terrorism, through domestic legislation (Kazakhstan);

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