
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time to rise up against separatism - Patali

 JHU’s Patali Champika Ranawaka has said that time has come for Sri Lankans to rise up against western countries who are trying to create havoc in the island.  He was addressing a recent seminar on the LLRC report.  Mr. Ranawaka said India nor any western nation believed Sri Lanka would win the war, and after the defeat of separatist terrorism, they are now attacking Sri Lanka.

 The LLRC has furthered the distortions made by the terrorists in the north and the east and given reasons for communalistic groups to carry on with their agendas, he charged.

 Four per cent of the country represented by the TNA cannot be allowed to suppress the 96 pc majority in the country, he said.

 Also speaking here, Ven. Hedigalle Wimalasara Thera said, although the LLRC comprised representatives of all communities, it was depressing to note that its report has omitted to mention about the registration of the Sinhalese in the northern eastern provinces.

 The Thera, who led a fast against the power devolution package planned by the Chandrika Kumaratunga regime, went onto say that it was also disheartening that the commission has forgotten about the Sinhala Buddhists while preparing its report.

 Journalist C.A. Chandraprema said the LLRC report has given a proper response to the Darusman report which wanted the military to wage a war with its hands tied.

 Also speaking at the seminar, president’s counsel Manohara de Silva said the LLRC has overstepped its mandate to inquire into the aftermath of the ceasefire violation, and has made references to an ethnic problem in the country.

 Its report indirectly suggests that the majority community of the country are uncivilized and does not treat the minorities properly.

 Mr. de Silva noted that Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith has told the commission that all problems arose due to Buddhists being given the prominent place.

 The LLRC report has also attacked Buddhist schools, although both Buddhist and catholic schools enrol students while keeping their different identities, which is an internationally accepted tradition.

 No one has the right to attack the prominence being given to Buddhism here, like Russia giving priority to Orthodox Church, he added.