
Friday, June 17, 2011

Appoint a UN Country Rapporteur for Sri Lankan to address issues raised by UNSG's Panel and to facilitate dialogue with civil society- Nimalka Fernando

"All allegations of war crimes and human right violations require investigation, perpetrators must be punished as well as a reparation scheme be put in place. 2 years have passed without addressing issues of disappearances, extra-judicial killings, murder of journalists and political assassinations. 5 years we have waited for the Charter of Human Rights and for the implementation of pledges under UPR."

Intervention by Nimalka Fernando, president IMADR
Human Rights Council 17th Session,Item 4 General Debate
15 June, 2011

Madam  President,
IMADR wish to focus re the  alarming situation in Sri Lanka which requires urgent attention of the international community.  We urge the setting up of appropriate mechanism/s to give effect to the recommendations made in the UN SG Expert Panel Report. This covers crimes committed by both the government forces as well as the LTTE.   Further, we recommend that GOSL creates national mechanisms which are credible, transparent and representative in character. In order to assure such, reports released by all Commissions appointed in the past should be made public. The people of Sri Lanka have been denied the right to receive information by the non publication of the earlier reports.

We wish to extend our support to all efforts taken by the OHCHR to effectively respond to the recommendations in the Report. All allegations of war crimes and human right violations require investigation, perpetrators must be punished as well as a reparation scheme be put in place. 2 years have passed without addressing issues of disappearances, extra-judicial killings, murder of journalists and political assassinations. 5 years we have waited for the Charter of Human Rights and for the implementation of pledges under UPR. Civil society organisations and community based activists face stringent rules under the various circulars of the Secretary Defence which be little all pledges given to this Council by the representatives of the Sri Lankan government. Sinhalisation of the North is taking place in an alarming manner which borders on the promotion of a superior race culture. The word human rights, advocacy and reconciliation are words to be erased off from all projects and programmes by some administrators who have been appointed to monitor and supervise NGO activities.

Madam  President,
A worker was shot dead by the police during a demonstration held last week and his body was disposed off under heavy presence of military surveillance. The manner in which the dead body of this person was buried ring an alarming bell to all of us. Kindly consider this as an early warning we make to this body which is the temple of human rights to which we come bringing our prayers. When and how will you respond? Wounds have to be opened, cleaned up for healing. If unattended they will infest and patients will die.

We recommend that
(a)    The Sri Lankan government should welcome visits from the Members of the Working Group on Involuntary Disappearances and the  Independent Expert on Minority Rights. And
(b)    The appointment of a Country Rapporteur to assist Sri Lankan government to address issues at stake arising from the Expert Panel Report and to facilitate greater dialogue with the civil society.

Thank you