
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SL minister calls Darusman, chairman of the expert panel of UNSG on Sri Lanka a beast

Speaking at a gathering to collect signatures in blood to oppose UN panel report on Sri Lanka Public Relations Minister Mervyn Silva blamed the chairperson of the panel of having a beast mother. here is the translation of relevant section:  

" I ask this Darusman , the executioner  whether he used his had or leg to wrote this report, which has elated the LTTE to a respectable position. Darusman, you who wrote this report I ask you again did you came in to this world from a  mothers womb like  other children or form a beast  living in a forest. I tell Darusman and secretary general of the UN that we are not a nation live in its knees, We all Sri Lankan's are ready to defend the country form intruders, I have already created 25 suicide killers, this Mervyn Silva is some one who does what he says …"

Read the Sinhala language video here and self censored news item at Daily Mirror here