
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Mirror editorial: “TNA kindles violence”

16 May 2011
“A senile TNA member’s descendants are in the West. With one foot in the West and one in the grave this member thrive on the sufferings of the innocent Tamil civilians. And he likes kindling violence. And obviously TNA welcomed the findings of the Experts’ Panel,” was the editorial opinion of a “noteworthy” newspaper, Daily Mirror, published in Colombo on Monday. The editorial titled “Irresponsible politics,” by the pro-opposition newspaper, projecting itself belonging to a ‘liberal world’, show only the basic feelings of Sinhala polity, whether ruling or opposition, when it comes to delivery of justice to Tamils within Sri Lankan State that is upheld by powers in the island, commented Tamil political circles in the island, adding that the editorial in fact was a response to the stand of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Ms. Jayalalitha.

Full text of the Editorial by Daily Mirror follows:

Irresponsible politics

Indian political club has already started meddling with the Sri Lankan issues openly, which had been muted since the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi that was well over a decade ago.

Now the latest is actress turned Chief Minister elect Jayalalitha Jayaram’s statement on Sri Lanka. But perhaps she had been a bit circumspect in her statement though, unlike the naiveté of Sonia.

Election times are different. People in these regions well know that these are empty words. But by some strange power they seem to believe.

Funnily enough this time both factions –venerable old Karunanidhi and the mistress Jayalalitha both have kept Sri Lankan issue on their campaign topics. And JJ won.

The Chief Minister designate in Tamil Nadu Jayalalitha Jeyaram has called on the Indian government to take measures against the Sri Lanka President for alleged war crimes and genocide of Tamils, so the news said.

“Speaking in her own channel, Jaya TV after her election victory on Friday, Jayaliatha Jeyaram said that it is India's responsibility to ensure a "dignified and honourable existence" for the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

"I will exert pressure on the central government, after I take over as the CM, to take action against the Sri Lankan President before the international court for genocide and war crimes. India should take the initiative for this," she said.

"If the Sri Lanka government did not oblige to these requests, Indian government has to impose economic sanctions on Sri Lanka together with other countries," Ms Jayalalitha added.”

But this time she also said craftily that “as a State government she can’t do much and that maximum she could do was to push the central govt. to so something.” Shrewd enough!

That was across the straits, for them they have enough of their problems and the concern for a Lankan war destitute probably ends there. Neither would they care that their words and deeds would affect the lives of the normal civilians and particularly the minority Tamils. They had enough of suffering due to Indira Gandhi’s and JRJ’s political experiments.

Sonia Gandhi too didn’t want to miss the opportunity and jumped the band wagon, blabbered a few things about being concerned about the Sri Lankan Tamils. It ended there, fortunately.

But worse is that the local Tamil Political parties booming on the panel report-idiotically. Perhaps with one leg in a Western soil. Most of us don’t know about there families. A senile TNA member’s descendants are in the West. With one foot in the West and one in the grave this member thrive on the sufferrings of the innocent Tamil civilians. And he likes kindling violence. And obviously TNA welcomed the findings of the Experts’ Panel.

And they said this with much fanfare and much publicity, stupid as they could be. If not stupid -agents of powers that want instability in the region. Their statements were utterly irresponsible and exhibit politically total immaturity. Their stance and utterances could only make the living conditions worse than ever, given the political context. The same would apply to the government too.

The government, on and off resorts to soft reprisals methods against Tamils whenever there is an international pressure. And reacting to local Tamils as an answer to international pressure would only worsen its image. But the sad truth is that so many Tamils in the country are now with the President.

And they hope the President would take them in his fold and continue with his Tamil and reconciliation process regardless of reports.

And a problem in the country will affect all of us regardless of caste, class creed or religion.